This site is part of the <b>KNIFEBEETLE</b> webring
Posted July 11, 2024 at 10:00 am

I really wanted to get to this page, so I'm glad I didn't skip the second update this week! Next week shouldn't be such a scramble, so look forward to the usual Tues-Thurs schedule for the forseeable future.

By the way, if you haven't already, you can pre-order both of my upcoming projects, Tiffany's Griffon (a middle-grade fantasy graphic novel about two girls raising a baby griffon) and Cards of Camelot (a 54-card deck with illustrations of classic King Arthur characters, each accompanied by short stories written by me) for 25% off the usual price at Barnes & Noble! The offer lasts until July 17! Pre-orders are a huge help, especially considering that these are my first officially published works, so please do it if you're interested! Thank you so much <3
